Zeal study shares you the detailed explanation about the steps involved in Teaching learning process and Lesson plan writing . Thus we introduce the topic FORMAL ASSESSMENT
Formal assessment have data which support the conclusions made from the test. We usually refer to these types of tests as standardized measures. These tests have been tried before on students and have statistics which support the conclusion such as the student is reading below average for his age. The data is mathematically computed and summarized. Scores such as percentiles, or standard scores are mostly commonly given from this type of assessment.
For examples
Motivating students and quizzing
Group work projects
Collecting and analyzing
Informal assessment are not data driven but rather content and performance driven. For example, running records are informal assessments because they indicate how well a student is reading a specific book. Scores such as 10 correct out of 15, percent of words read correctly, and most rubric scores; are given from this type of assessment.
Exams and reports
Journal writing and portfolio
The Purpose of Formal Assessment and Informal Assessment and the Way it is Conducted
My personal's view/ reflection/ opinion about the issues raised by the assessment
As you can see at the picture above, formal and formal assessments are different. In my opinion, for formal assessment, it is more on comparing the students' abilities which is because it is more like a standardized test.
In my opinion for informal assessment it is more like non standardized test. It is more on learning through out the surrounding and environments. This shows that informal assessment is something different than other assessments.
The Suggestion and Ways to Improve Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment
I realized that beyond giving formal assessments (i.e. Summative assessments: Quizzes, long tests, periodical exams, etc.), our main role as teachers is determined by how we recognize our students’ progress/stagnation through informal assessments (i.e. formative assessments: port folios, role play, record tracking, etc.) These methods allow the teacher to easily maneuver where and how his/her instruction is going.
The result of a formal test (e.g. long test) alone would not necessarily dictate the entire academic ability of our students. It does not mean that when a student fails a formal test (e.g. periodical test), we could already conclude that he’s entire learning capabilities for that subject failed as well.
Assessing students is not monopolized by just doing it formally (e.g. giving out tests, quizzes, summative exams, etc.), but rather depends on he other informal assessments (e.g. coaching sessions, reflective logs, fly-by-question and answers, etc.) that reinforce formal ones.
There are many factors why a student could fail from a test (e.g. lack of sleep, emotional and family distress, etc.), but there would only be few factors why he/she would not be able to provide a reflective insight on the lesson.
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