Zeal study shares you the detailed explanation about the steps involved in Teaching learning process and Lesson plan writing . Thus we introduce the topic Assessment.
The assessment of teaching and learning can be viewed as two complementary and overlapping activities that aim to benefit both the quality of student learning and the professional development of the instructor.

The goal of summative assessment is to measure the level of success or proficiency that has been obtained at the end of an instructional unit, by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Other than that,assists you to make judgments about student achievement at certain relevant points in the learning process or unit of study and can be used formally to measure the level of achievement of learning outcomes.
Tests, labs, assignments and presentations
Projects and semester
University Faculty Course Evaluations
The goal of formative assessment is to gather feedback that can be used by the instructor and the students to guide improvements in the ongoing teaching and learning context. These are low stakes assessments for students and teachers.
Asking students to submit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lecture
Have students submit an outline for a paper.
Early course evaluations
Is very applicable and helpful during early group work processes.
Assists teachers in modifying or extending their program or adapting their learning and teaching methods

The Purpose of Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment and the Way it is Conducted

My personal's view/ reflection/ opinion about the issues raised by the assessment
Summative assessment focuses more on the outcome. Also, provide teachers and students information about the attainment of knowledge. Other than that, the goal is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some sort of standards or benchmark.
Formative assessment focuses on the process. Also helps to identify students strength and weaknesses and target areas that need works. Other than that help recognize where students are struggling and address program immediately.
In my opinion, summative assessment is more on the sitting for exams, tests. Something like standardize. For formative assessment is more on helping the students to understand well on the things that they learn.
The Suggestion and Ways to Improve Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment

As you see the picture above, it is a strong sign that does not matter which assessment is better than the other assessment because for formative and summative assessments both must be use for students in class
Summative assessment and formative assessment also could help the student and teachers to gain different kinds of knowledge at once if both of it are used. Therefore, to improve summative assessment and formative assessment is to use both of it. Little did we know, it might improve the students' learning skills and teachers' teaching skills.
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